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Lidija Andreevna Zhiltzova - 80 years

Although publication of high quality papers dealing with stoneflies remains the focus of our journal, from time to time we do want to address important contemporary issues in an editorial format. Consequently, on the occasion of the 80th birthday of Lidija Andreevna Zhiltzova in February 2006, the editors and editorial board of Illiesia join with colleagues from around the world in saluting Lidija for her marvelous contributions to the knowledge of stoneflies.

The scientific work of Dr. Zhiltzova is based primarily on her personal collection and extensive field work in the Ukraine, Carpatians, Caucasus, Central Asia, Mongolia and Russian Far East including Magadan, Sakhalin, Kuril Islands and Primorye. Working at times with other Russian and western European investigators she has authored, or co-authored more than 130 papers and monographs dealing with stoneflies including a very recent paper on genus Agnetina and several major book chapters. Her 2003 publication, "Fauna of Russia and neighboring countries. Insecta, Plecoptera, Group Euholognatha", is considered one of the major publications on stonefly systematics.

Lidija is one of the most respected scientists to have studied stonefly systematics, morphology and faunistics and her numerous contributions include the description, accompanied by beautiful illustrations, of more than 150 species or genera of stoneflies. In 1998 she received the Lifetime Achivement Award from the International Association of Plecopterologists in recognition of her contributions and life-long dedication to the study of Plecoptera. We are delighted that Lidija remains actively working on stonefly projects and wish her continued health and success.

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1) Lidija Andreevna Zhiltzova
2) Zoological Institute of Academy in St. Petersburg
3) Stoneflies are just in front of the institute, on banks of river Neva
4) Lidija and her husband Yuri
5) Stonefly discussion with Lidija during a visit by Ignac Sivec to the Zoological Institute.
6) Collecting trip to the N of St. Petersburg
7) Collecting trip to Slovenian Alps
8) Chatting with colleagues at the congress field trip
9) Collecting with dr. Du
10) Lidija at the Argentina congress

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